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This Lent, LeeAnne Krause will be reprising the "Seven Deadly Sins in Media" class that was so rudely interrupted by COVID in 2020. Reflection and repentance are cornerstone disciplines during the holy season of Lent, but how do we accomplish this? How do we identify shortcomings in our own behavior? The ancient grouping of objectionable sins into the "Seven Deadly Sins" is a useful framework to begin this practice. We will be discussing the sins themselves, defining them and identifying common manifestations. Then we will watch video clips from feature films, TV, YouTube, and even cartoons, discussing the behaviors of the characters, identifying which, if any, sins they are committing. Examining the behaviors of fictitious characters is more objective and friendly than criticizing each other in the first or second person. Don't worry, we won't be watching anything very racy or violent! If you have any questions, contact LeeAnne Krause, Ellen Richardson, or Ron Balthazor.

PLEASE NOTE: If you need childcare, you must let the office (Kendall) know by the Monday prior to the Wednesday you are attending the class.