St. Gregory approach

Nourish, Grow, Go!
A Vision for St. Gregory’s

What is “Nourish, Grow, Go”?

Over the past year, Gregorians have been instrumental in shaping the future of St. Gregory the Great through participating in focus groups and completing the online Congregation Assessment Tool (CAT) survey. The congregation expressed the desire to move in three main directions. We want to be a church that:

  1. nourishes the spiritual, intellectual, and emotional lives of its parishioners

  2. grows into a multi-cultural and multi-generational church responsive to the needs of all

  3. identifies, communicates, and focuses our particular gifts and talents so that we may go help meet the needs of others in the wider community and the world.

Nourish, Grow, Go! Strategic Planning

The Vestry and the Vision Oversight Committee members, using input from parishioners, have worked together to create and approve a strategic plan to implement the Nourish, Grow, Go! initiative. Visit our Strategic Planning page and learn about all the details!