Pastoral Care

Pastoral Care covers a variety of responses to different situations. In support of the ministry of the clergy, there are many lay opportunities for Gregorians to serve and care for one another. Some of the specific areas in which we offer support include:

  • Parish Care Network coordination

  • Hospital visits (birth, illness, death)

  • Homebound care

  • Meal Train

  • Card Ministry

  • Pastoral offices: Marriage, Healing, Burial, Reconciliation

  • Grief group

  • End of Life Preparation

  • Rector’s Discretionary Fund

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Card Ministry

The Card Ministry serves the St. Gregory community by sending cards for birthdays, bereavement, and illness. Children under the age of 18 and adults who are 70 and older receive birthday cards. Parishioners who are ill or lost a loved one are sent cards of sympathy and support. This is an excellent ministry for anyone who would like to be connected to others in the parish and work from home. Another way to be involved is by contributing artwork for cards. All cards that are used have been designed by St. Gregory artists. Contact Jenifer Borg if you are interested in joining the Card Ministry.

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Threads of Prayer

Our mission statement is: To knit and crochet in congenial and prayerful community tangible expressions of the church's love for those in need of healing and comfort. We have made chemo caps, shawls, lap or larger blankets, scarves, and hats for children and babies. After each item is completed, we pray over the item, asking that God bring healing and comfort to those who will receive it. These items are given to a community member or someone one of our members knows who needs comfort, maybe after the loss of a loved one, a diagnosis of cancer or other serious illness or someone who is not able to come to services.

We meet the 2nd and 4th Tuesdays at 1PM at St. Gregory's. New members are always welcome, including anyone who would like to learn to knit or crochet. It's fun to sit together in community and talk while we work. For those who cannot make it but who would like to contribute something to the effort, we welcome any items you would like to make or any excess yarn you want to donate.

If you know anyone who needs or would like such an item, want to donate something, or seek more information, contact Annette Bates.


Voices of Blessing

Voices of Blessing is a group of volunteer singers who offer hymns of healing, solace and comfort to those struggling with issues of living or dying. We sing to people in their homes or in hospices, hospitals, or nursing homes within and around the Athens area. This group provides its volunteers with the opportunity to participate in a meaningful ministry through music. Contact Jonathan Klein if you are interested in joining the Voices of Blessing or if you know of someone in need of this ministry.


Meditation/Transitions Group

The meditation group meets in the church's library, to share our stories, coping strategies, meditation, and prayer to work through many of life's transitions. Practicing advanced meditation techniques, we embrace a mindfulness practice that enhances a deep inner peace, growth and change.

Meeting time: Wednesdays at 4PM
Facilitator: Melissa Hamlin